Same Day Registration
Same day registration allows individuals who are not currently registered to register and vote during early voting and on election day.
To register to vote a regular ballot during early voting, an individual must:
Show a current Maryland driver’s license or MVA ID card; and
Be a “pre-qualified” individual in the electronic pollbook.
To register to vote a regular ballot on election day, an individual must:
Register in the county where he or she lives;
Show a current Maryland driver’s license or MVA ID card; and
Be a “pre-qualified” individual in the electronic pollbook.
A “pre-qualified” individual means that he or she has been screened to make sure the requirements have been met to register and vote a regular ballot during early voting or on election day.
If the address on an individual’s Maryland driver’s license or MVA ID card is not correct, the individual may present another form of proof of residency. See the “Proof of Residency” section below.
All individuals who register to vote must specify their party affiliation at the time of registration.
During early voting and on election day: Individuals who live outside the county where they are attempting to register and vote may be registered. They must vote a provisional ballot.
Proof of Residency
“Proof of residency” means a document with the individual’s name and current address. An individual may not give proof of residency from an electronic source.
“Current” means that the MVA driver’s license or ID card has not expired. The following are the only documents that are acceptable:
A current Maryland driver’s license
A current MVA-issued State ID card
A current MVA-issued change of address card
“Current” for the following documents means the document is within the last three months.
A current utility bill
A current bank statement
A current government check
A current paycheck
Other current government document